Nonprofit Services

We offer comprehensive nonprofit auditing and accounting services. We can help nonprofits in many ways. We can prepare your audited financial statements to present to your board of directors or audit committee. We can help your internal accounting staff to prepare and organize your accounting records so another preselected audit firm can efficiently navigate your records and procedures. We have also extensive experience working with the IRS, Franchise Tax Board, and other governmental agencies requirements to ensure your nonprofit is always in compliance with the rules and regulations.

We know that keeping your organization financially fit, safe, and in compliance is a full time job. We will keep your financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to be compliant with organizations like the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Franchise Tax Board (FTB), the Department of the Interior (DOI), Employment Development Department (EDD), and Board of Examiners (BOE).

If you are not a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), please don’t try to be one for your organization. You’ll waste time you could be spending taking care of your nonprofit goals and you’ll miss details in your accounts and reports that a professional wouldn’t.